💬👀 Glassagram: All you need to know

Glassagram 📲👀 is the current phenomenon allowing people to view private Instagram stories anonymously. As one of the biggest social platforms out there, it’s no surprise that Instagram stories have become a daily documentation of people’s lives.

With this comes the desire to save or view these stories discreetly. But with Meta’s strict privacy policies, viewing private accounts is nearly impossible.

About Glassagram
Official Website: https://glassagram.com/
Category: Instagram profile viewer
Key Features: View stories, posts, followers, likes; download content; monitor multiple accounts
Compatibility: All devices
Free Trial: No
Pay Monthly Price: $49.99

Not anymore thanks to Glassagram. This intuitive platform lets you view and download private stories without account owners knowing. While this tool is getting attention from avid social media users, we wanted to find out for ourselves how it works and if it delivers.

Glassagram App

We found it functions as a locked Instagram profile viewer if you subscribe to one of its paid plans. This is a major plus if you want to secretly spy on a private account. Through hands-on use, we can say this app provides an easy way to anonymously lurk on private Instagram activity.

👀 Glassagram is a solid option if you want to monitor someone’s Instagram in secret. It works without needing to root devices and is compatible across platforms.

What is Glassagram? 🙂

This is an online tool that gives you access to private Instagram content, including fleeting stories. With this app, you can choose to download these stories to view later, even after they’ve disappeared from the app.

To use it, simply go to the Glassagram site, enter the username, paste the profile URL you want to access, and it provides a download link. It’s a straightforward process, but not free – you need to create an account and pay a fee, which we’ll cover shortly.

👀 The best part is the account owner won’t know you’ve downloaded their story, as there’s no record linking you.

Glassagram Features

Glassagram Features

Glassagram Features

⭐️💫 Glassagram Features

Glassagram provides extensive functionality for monitoring various facets of an Instagram account. Here’s what we discovered about its main features:

⚡️ Feature: ⚡️ Description:
Stories View: This lets you get around Instagram’s 24-hour story limit by providing an extra day to see expired stories. You can also download stories from the target account, though private accounts may take longer to sync than public ones.
Followers: This section shows a list of accounts following the target profile. However, follower names aren’t hyperlinked to their profiles which would be a useful addition.
Following: Useful for monitoring kids’ activity, this shows all accounts the target user follows.
New Posts: Designed for tracking active accounts, we found delays in updating the latest posts, especially private accounts. This impacted real-time monitoring capability during testing.
Posts: Displays all existing posts including the latest, but can take time to fully update all posts from the target. Requires some patience.
Hot Likes: Highlights from strange origins, like old posts, to identify potential stalkers. A standout feature.
Likes: Shows all post likes and who they came from, unlike Hot Likes focused on unusual activity.
Comments: Like Likes, this allows you to view comments on posts to monitor activity. But it doesn’t let you see Instagram DMs.

👀🙃 Why Use Glassagram to Track Instagram?

Glassagram provides an easy way to discreetly keep tabs on Instagram activity, which can be helpful in various life situations:

  • 💫 Monitor your child’s account: As a parent, you may want to keep an eye on who your child interacts with and the type of content they post/view. The app allows you to do this without needing access to their device.
  • 💫 Gather intel for business: Monitoring Instagram profiles of competitors, partners, or brand ambassadors can provide useful data to guide business decisions.
  • 💫 Keep tabs on a partner or spouse: If you have suspicions about a significant other’s behaviour or interactions on Instagram, Glassagram enables subtle monitoring without detection.
  • 💫 Document harassment: When facing harassment or bullying on Instagram, the app provides records to document the interactions.
  • 💫 Research interests and hobbies: Tracking celebrities or influencers in a particular niche can give insight into topics you’re interested in like fashion, fitness, cooking, etc.
  • 💫 Assess suspicious accounts: If an unknown account engages with you, Glassagram helps identify if it’s a bot, spammer, or otherwise suspicious.

Glassagram App

Whether for personal, professional, or social reasons, Glassagram empowers easy and discreet Instagram monitoring to give valuable insight into different accounts’ activity.

💸 How Much Is Glassagram: Pricing

There are options:

  • 💫 monthly ($49.99),
  • 💫 quarterly ($29.99),
  • 💫 yearly ($12.99).

How Much Is Glassagram

All provide the same functionality like story saving, new post alerts, and more. In our opinion, cheaper plans like the yearly $12.99 option seem more reasonable for the capabilities Glassagram delivers.

🚀 How do I get started using it?

To start using this application follow these steps:

  • 💫 Visit the Glassagram site and click “Watch Now”.
  • 💫 Choose the type of account you want to monitor.
  • 💫 Create an account with your email or Google.
  • 💫 Select a subscription plan and make payment.

How do I get started using it

Once your account is set up, enter the target Instagram username. You can then view their activity from the dashboard. For private accounts, expect delays in accessing data, while public account results are typically available within 24 hours.

💻🌟 Dashboard of Glassagram

The Glassagram dashboard gives an overview of the connected Instagram account. It shows the number of current stories, posts, comments, followers, likes, tagged photos, and accounts they follow.

Dashboard of Glassagram

This comprehensive summary of account stats makes the app more than a basic Instagram viewer. However, for researching a profile – especially for business – you need more detail beyond the high-level summary.

We found that Glassagram does deliver deeper analytics. You can dive into each stat from the overview for more context. For example, beneath “followers” you can view the list of specific accounts following the user.

This expanded data allows monitoring of various facets of an Instagram profile. The dashboard overview provides a helpful snapshot, while drilling down offers more in-depth tracking of stories, posts, followers, and other key metrics.

Glassagram Customer Support 📞💭

Before subscribing, you can contact Glassagram via email or their website form. We found responses within 24 hours, which is reasonable. However, with an active subscription, you get 24/7 live chat access. The agents were responsive and addressed any questions we had about using the app.

👀 Truly helpful customer service can be rare, but we were impressed with the support. The live chat team was knowledgeable and solved any issues promptly.

🤨💭 Is Glassagram Easy to Use?

Glassagram is one of the most user-friendly Instagram tracking tools available. It requires minimal setup compared to advanced spy apps. You only need the target’s username or profile URL – no device access is necessary.

This makes this app accessible for anyone to use, even those less tech-savvy. The intuitive dashboard is a major plus, allowing you to monitor multiple accounts, stories, and posts from one centralized hub.

As we onboarded and explored features, Glassagram proved very straightforward. Unlike convoluted spy platforms, it has an easy learning curve. Within minutes, we could search profiles and begin viewing Instagram activity.

The streamlined design also helps. Key info is presented without clutter. Monitoring different users is simplified through the dashboard’s organized layout.

👀 Overall, Glassagram’s combination of minimal account setup, intuitive navigation, and centralized monitoring capabilities make it one of the easiest Instagram trackers out there. Both novice and experienced users can quickly get the hang of viewing profiles and stories discreetly.

Is Glassagram Easy to Use

👀💭 Pros and Cons of Glassagram

Pros and Cons of Glassagram

❤️ Pros:

  • User-friendly, easy-to-navigate website.
  • Works on both desktop and mobile.
  • The dashboard provides a helpful at-a-glance summary of account data.
  • Information is neatly organized into separate sections.
  • Extends Instagram story availability by 24 hours for viewing/saving.
  • Can view and download photos and videos.
  • Lets you monitor public Instagram activity anonymously.

💔 Cons:

  • Struggled to track some private profiles during testing.
  • Long delays in retrieving some data, up to 7 days.
  • The monthly subscription fee is relatively high at $49.99.

Frequently Asked Questions 🙃

⭐️ Do I need my own Instagram account to track someone else's profile with Glassagram?
No, you don’t need your own IG account registered. The app allows profile tracking without an account or installation required. All you need is the username of the target profile.
⭐️ What types of Instagram accounts can Glassagram track?
The platform can monitor both public and private accounts. However, accessing private profiles may take longer than public ones due to technical reasons. The app can’t guarantee to access every private account, but around 8 out of 10 work successfully. If a private account won’t link after some time, you can change to another profile for free.
⭐️ Can I view information on private Instagram profiles with Glassagram?
Yes, the anonymous viewer provides access to any Instagram account, whether private or public. All available information will be viewable.
⭐️ Is using Glassagram safe and secure?
The service uses a high-quality secure system. The process is fully anonymous and we never disclose user data to third parties, so you can feel safe using this app.
⭐️ What kind of customer support does Glassagram offer?
24/7 customer support is available via live chat once you sign up. You can also reach out via the contact form. Customers can ask anything about the app and get detailed instructions.
⭐️ How many Instagram accounts can I monitor with Glassagram?
You can track as many accounts as needed – they’ll all be accessible in your user dashboard. However, each additional account requires a separate subscription.

Conclusion 💬

After extensively testing Glassagram, we can confidently recommend it for discreetly monitoring Instagram activity. This intuitive online tool provides easy access to private accounts, stories, posts, followers, and more without needing the account owner’s permission.

While it lacks a free trial, the yearly subscription is reasonably priced compared to competitors. The dashboard neatly organizes data from multiple accounts into one centralized hub. Despite some delays in syncing private profiles, the app still enables effective tracking of both public and private Instagram users.

👀 For parents, employers, or those simply wanting anonymous Instagram access, Glassagram delivers. The combination of accessible pricing, intuitive navigation, and robust analytics make Glassagram a worthwhile investment for discreetly viewing private Instagram activity.